XMPP News Bots

From Argentina to Germany; syndication chat bots for XMPP.

Slixfeed might not be useful to you as other news bots, as each project is formed namely by peculiar design and political principles.

You are encouraged to review the following projects and pick the one that fits best to you.


AtomToPubsub is a simple script that parses feeds and pushes the entries to a designated XMPP Pubsub Node.

Proceed to edhelas/atomtopubsub


A port of old Brutal's Feed Reader for Errbot.

Proceed to errbotters/err-rssreader


feed-to-muc is an XMPP bot which queries newsfeeds and posts the short summary to a XMPP MUC if there is a new article.

Proceed to mdosch/feed-to-muc

Jabber RSS Transport

Jabber RSS Transport offers a component interface which embodies feeds as contacts, which makes it highly efficient to any chat client.

Proceed to jabberworld/jrd_rss

JabRSS by Christof

A simple syndication headline notification service for Jabber/XMPP.

Proceed to dev.cmeerw.org

JabRSS by Jens W. Wulf

The code is based on jabrss@cmeerw.net. It was restructured and offers additional features.

Proceed to jotwewe.de


Morbo is a simple Slixmpp bot that will take new articles from listed syndication feeds and send them to assigned XMPP MUCs. This bot works best with TinyTinyRSS published articles feeds.

Proceed to TheCoffeMaker/Morbot

Slixfeed News Bot

Greetings to one and all and welcome to the official news resource of Slixfeed!

I am delighted to make this initial public announcement of Slixfeed.

Slixfeed is a news aggregation software which currently functions only as a chat bot and is primarily intended for the XMPP network.

Slixfeed is still in testing phases and is not yet ready for production, albeit it performs well.

Slixfeed has not yet been audited for security!


Slixfeed utilizes Slixmpp to communicate with the XMPP network, and feedparser to parse syndication feeds.

The fashion by which Slixfeed is designed is to serve multiple people at the same time.

The purpose of Slixfeed is to be able to simultaneously serve hundreds and even thousands of people from a single instance, which would make anyone a news publisher, if one so desires.


Some features are exclusive to XMPP [1].

  1. Communicate with chats and groupchats;

  2. Display audio, picture and video attachments inline;

  3. Export and import feeds using standard OPML file;

  4. Filter news items by "allow" and "deny" rules;

  5. Publish items to PubSub nodes [2];

  6. Redirect to proxy back-ends [3];

  7. Rich and interactive visual interface using Ad-Hoc Commands;

  8. Scan automatically for syndication feeds of given URL;

  9. Schedule update cycle and send updates upon availability [4].


Slixfeed offers a couple of interfaces.

The premier interface is the chat, from which commands are sent and news are received.

The additional interface which makes use of Data Forms and Ad-Hoc Commands offers a visual interface to control and interact with Slixfeed.

The visual interface is currently best accessible with Cheogram and monocles chat; both are available free of charge on the F-Droid software repository.

Other XMPP clients which support the visual interface are Converse, Gajim, Movim, Poezio, Profanity, Psi and Psi+.


Screenshots of Cheogram and monocles chat interacting with Slixfeed [5].

monocles chat: Chat Interface monocles chat: Rich Interface Cheogram: Settings Form Cheogram: Subscription Form

Both, Ad-Hoc Command and Chat, interfaces are included.


  • For help, and support questions, please join our groupchat.

  • Source code is available at GitGud.


Slixfeed was made due to necessity and it has been intended to be hosted and utilized by as many people as possible.

Slixfeed was meant to be only a chat bot which sends only text, yet communications with edhelas, mirux, roughnecks, singpolyma and Thorsten have led this project to have an extensive set of features.

The Slixfeed project was started a year and eleven months ago, and its continuation and completion thereof were feasible thanks to Laura Lapina.

I would also want to thank to Simone "roughnecks" Canaletti for hosting the Slixfeed site, in addition to testing Slixfeed and instructing the current development of Slixfeed.

Consequent development news will be published soon.

I hope Slixfeed would be useful to you.

Kind regards,